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How to Prepare For Your Florida Divorce

woman taking wedding ring off

Once you have decided that divorce is your only viable option, it may be wise to start preparing yourself mentally, emotionally, and financially. Divorce is a major life decision, you should think about what the consequences will be, how you can minimize those consequences, and how you can get through this process and get a head start on your new life.

You should start by planning an exit strategy and gathering important documents and information that your lawyer may need during the divorce. Next, you should devise a plan for how you will handle telling the kids about the divorce so as to minimize the impact the process will have on them.

Your Exit Strategy

Before informing your spouse that you are seeking a divorce, there are several things that may be useful to do and complete. Listed below is a list of things to consider and complete when contemplating a divorce. While many of the items on the list can be completed beforehand, there are several that may be easier to complete after you and your spouse are separated.

Gather Key Information

Due to the intricate nature of a contested divorce, the more knowledge your attorney has, the better they will be able to evaluate your case and advocate on your behalf. Consequently, it is vital to provide your attorney with all relevant information relating to your current financial situation, personal history, and possible issues with custody.

Here is a list that displays information and documents to gather early in the divorce process:

  • Financial Information and Records
  • Personal Identification Information
  • Information Relating to Your Children
  • Insurance Policies
  • Other Important Information

Tell Your Spouse

Typically when a marriage is no longer thriving, emotions will run high and spouses will become much more sensitive to any issues large or small. Discussing divorce with your spouse is often a very difficult thing to do. This is especially true where one spouse is unaware that the marriage is broken.

Here are several tips to help you navigate this difficult conversation with your spouse:

  • Seek guidance from a licensed professional on how to best navigate the conversation.
  • Anticipate their reaction and plan accordingly.
  • Consider the time and place.
  • Minimize the emotional impact as much as possible.
  • Listen to your spouse.
  • Hold your ground even if your spouse refuses the divorce.

Let Your Kids Know

When a Florida divorce involves children, one question that often comes to mind as a couple considers divorce is: “how do we tell the kids?” This often may seem like a scary task due the sensitive nature of divorce and how children process the separation.

Many parents are concerned that their children will blame themselves for the divorce or question whether their parents still love them. These are legitimate concerns. Notwithstanding, we included some tips below that will help arm you with the right tools and information to better handle this very sensitive subject.

  • Explain to your kids that the divorce is not their fault.
  • Let the children know that you and your ex-spouse still love them.
  • Do not pull your child into the divorce.
  • Encourage them to ask questions and listen to their concerns.
  • Seek professional help if they are struggling to cope.

Speak to a Knowledgeable Attorney

If you are preparing for a divorce, you need the skilled representation of a divorce attorney who will put your interests first. Often, people filing for divorce in Florida have questions unique to their situation. We’re always available to help you understand the issues and details that pertain to your filing.

Contact Advocate Law Firm, P.A. or call (863) 644-5566 for strong family law representation in Bartow.
