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Explaining Divorce to Your Children

upset family

Children adore their family members, which is often the reason it can be tough for them to grasp the idea of divorce. In many cases, it can be difficult for children to comprehend the permanence of the situation, and understandably so.

If you're in the process of splitting up with your spouse, then you naturally have to break the news to your children at some point. This can be one of the most trying things you have to do during your divorce. However, the sooner you tell your children about the situation, the better. Waiting around can only make things harder for your child and for you.

Choose an Appropriate Time

Think about when and where you want to tell them, and set aside an appropriate time that makes sense to discuss this matter. You don't want to overwhelm them in the middle of the week when they're preoccupied with school and recreational activities. Instead, try to catch them on a weekend or any time they're able to be alone for a little bit.

What You Should Say

Tell your children you're going to be open, honest and candid with them. Clarify why you're going to be splitting up. Make sure that they understand that the split has absolutely nothing to do with them. Tell them that it doesn't interfere with how much you or your spouse love them, either. It's critical to do this as a means of steering clear of confusion.

Talk to your children about how you believe their lives may change. Tell them that you plan on working with their other parent in order to keep things as smooth and predictable as possible for them. Encourage your kids to ask you as many questions as they need to attain clarity. You don't want to make your kids feel like anything is top secret. The more you encourage your children to talk, the less they'll keep bottled up inside.

How to Help Them

It can be optimal to speak to your children right next to your ex. If you're unable to do so, that's fine as well. Just make sure your children are able to reach both of you with any questions that may pop up in their impressionable brains. If you feel like this news may be particularly troubling to them, you can give them books that may help them with coping. It may even be a good idea to set up an appointment with a therapist.

A Divorce Attorney Can Help

We understand this is a stressful time for you. If you're searching for a divorceor child custody attorney who can assist you with your split, callAdvocate Law Firm, P.A. We are here and ready to help you in this complicated time.

Call us today at (863) 644-5566 for a complimentary consultation.
